Our client was driving his vehicle when he was pulled over by police. They performed a search of his vehicle and discovered a driver’s licence that had been altered to depict a name of another person. Subsequent to the search of our client’s vehicle his house was searched and two prohibited weapons, namely tasers, were found.
We acted on our client’s behalf at the Elizabeth Magistrates Court.
Our client was forthright with police and provided an explanation as to why he had the tasers at home. This included the fact that they were inoperable and they had been purchased for their light function as they the taser element was secreted within a torch.
Additionally in relation to the licence matter it was accepted that the amendments made to it were done to avoid the renewal fee. Unfortunately because of the penalties associated with such offending the fine which our client received was greater than that of the possible renewal.
Our client was very worried about the offence affecting his criminal record and the impact it may have on his licence as he needed it for work related matters. Additionally there was a great concern that a term of imprisonment may be found.
Mr James Caldicott appeared for our client in making submissions in regards to his personal circumstances and the circumstances of the offending. Through negotiations with police and the Court the matters ultimately resolved on a lesser basis and our client was convicted and fined one sum in relation to both offences.
Our client was very happy with the result given the potential penalties that flow from such offending.