Music festivals often have a police presence to make sure everyone has a fun and safe time.
There may be circumstances where police may want to question you or request to search your person at a music festival.
It’s always best to try and get legal advice before police request to speak to you or search you, however, you won’t always at this point, have an opportunity to speak to a lawyer.
So here are some things to remember in those circumstances:
You do not have to answer any questions outside of:
- Your full name
- Date of birth
- Address
It is important to remember, other than this, you don’t have to answer any further questions.
Should The Police Want To Search You they have the power to seize items that may be of evidentiary value.
But only in the circumstances where:
- You have been reasonably suspected of committing an offence
- and when they have a search warrant
A reasonable belief must be more than a possibility, must have some factual basis, which depends on the information in the mind of the police officer at that time when forming that belief.
The behaviours of a festival goer can be the circumstance that attracts the police’s attention which informs their reasonable belief.
There are also certain areas, called declared public precincts such as Hindley street, which broaden police’s power to conduct searches during certain periods of time. These are specifically prescribed in law – and increases police capacity for drug detection and search for weapons.
Again, it’s important to remember to remain courteous if spoken to by police., You do not have to consent to a search by police, but you should also not object as it is an offence to hinder a legal police search.
If police want to seize your mobile phone – you are not required to provide a password or any other details that would allow access to the phone if they don’t have a warrant.
So next time you’re at a music festival, make sure to look after yourself and your friends, and remember your legal rights.
If the police want to search you, remember:
- That you don’t have to answer any questions, other than your name, DOB and address
- If police sieze your phone, you are not required to provide a password
- That you do not have to consent to that search, but should not object as it can be an offence.
- You can tell police you wish to speak with a lawyer
If you find yourself stuck in this situation, please get in touch and we will do everything we can to assist you.