Our client was charged with failing to store ammunition, possession of a controlled drug, namely 1.03kg of cannabis, possession of prescribed equipment, possession of prohibited weapons namely three catapults, and possession of fireworks.
Our client was charged with failing to store ammunition, possession of a controlled drug, namely 1.03kg of cannabis, possession of prescribed equipment, possession of prohibited weapons namely three catapults, and possession of fireworks. Upon attending court it was determined that notwithstanding he had in excess of 1.03 kilograms of cannabis which can be considered a large commercial quantity that he had been charged under Section 33L(2)(a) of the Controlled Substances Act, meaning that a maximum fine of $500.00 could be imposed.
Consequently, the matter was resolved on the first occasion with a simple fine of $1,000.00 was received.
Our client was also able to maintain his firearm licence and avoided any further action as against his firearms licence.
In determining to resolve the matter at an earlier time prosecution were unable to review the charges and lay a more serious charge in respect to the firearms offences. This resulted in the client receiving only a modest fine rather than potentially a more serious custodial sentence.
DISCLAIMER: This is a real case study of an actual case from Caldicott Lawyers. Details of the client have been changed to protect their privacy. The penalty imposed and the charge have not been altered. These case studies are published to demonstrate real outcomes and give an indication of possible penalties in South Australian Courts. Caldicott Lawyers do not guarantee a similar case on these charges will get the same result. Please note that Caldicott Lawyers post results at our discretion, therefore while many case studies are good results, others are notable for their exceptional results.
Do You Need Assistance?
Our skilled lawyers at Caldicott Lawyers are experts in defending drug related offences.
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